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Welcome to Gym Supplements

There are many body-building websites out there, usually written by professional body builders, which makes it tough for “the rest of us” to follow because we do not want to look massive.

Please remember to follow our blog to get tips and advice for best results!

We want a healthy lean body – we want to look great with large shoulders, a V-shaped back, great legs and calves, and a six pick to match.

This site offers advise to beginners and the “normal” guy or girl in the gym in South Africa.

I am not an amateur, nor am I a professional, I am someone like you, someone who works in the week and tries his best at the gym (most of the time).

I have been training for many years. I have tried every gym supplement and every training routine out there.

From what I understand, some of the supplements include products that have never been tested on humans for the purpose of bodybuilding, and big steroid-pumped industry names are paid (or are paying) to push these products onto the public.

I have been scammed by fake and sub-standard products that were sold to me on advertising gimmicks, with no results. I have been impressed by others that don’t even get a mention on any in-store advert, and that are hidden away in some bottom shelf.

We need to push products that really work – this site is designed for your feedback and comments.

What are the muscles called?

Before we begin, please read what each muscle is called so that it is easier to follow these programs.

The muscles are split into groups, and each group is trained separately, usually on different days.

Major Muscle Groups

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