Monthly Archives: November 2015

Six pack

Supplements for abs za

Supplements for abs

If you would like to get a six pack, it is best to cut out the junk – junk foods, fizzy drinks and sugary stuff. Cut out the carbs as much as possible and increase your protein intake.

Lastly, budget for at least 6 weeks of intense diet and exercise.

Supplements to take to build your six pack

  • CLA
  • Fat burner

Supplement exercises to do

  • Cardio – 30 minutes a day

30 minutes of cardio is most effective when split. I find that it prevents boredom and is more motivational.  And it also feels as if I did work harder.

I start with the most difficult and intensive exercise, and then move into the machines that requires less effort. This is to enhance the after-burn effect.

I feel the stepper is the most intensive for me, followed by the rowing machine, then the treadmill at a fast walking pace,  the cross trainer, and last, the cycling.

I pick 3 exercises for 10 minutes each, and if I don’t do weight training, I do 4.

More information on fat burning and after-burn effect may be found here.

Image from Men’s health 6 pack challenge



High protein diet

Proteins – whey, milk, egg, soy and blended

There are a number of different protein supplements on the market, and there is a variety of proteins from food.

Protein is one of the three major, or macro, nutrients. The other two being carbohydrates (carbs) and fats.

Proteins are comprised of nitrogen-containing groups called amino acids.

There are about 20 different types of amino acids commonly found in foods. All of them are important for building and maintaining muscle, but 8 are vital. These are what’s known as the Essential Amino Acids (EAAs).

The EAAs cannot be synthesized in any of your tissues, so they must be obtained through high protein foods.

  • Lean meats,
  • fish
  • poultry
  • eggs
  • milk
  • cheese
  • soybeans

Powdered whey, casein, egg, and soy proteins offer the same amino acids as whole food sources in more concentrated doses – with lower levels of calories, fat, carbs, cholesterol, and other non-protein ingredients.

Whey Proteins – fast acting

Whey proteins are quickly and easily digested ( “fast-acting” ), they are loaded with essential amino acids (EAAs) – including the three branched chain amino acids (BCAAs), and they contain subcomponents (microfractions) that appear to provide benefits above and beyond amino acids and elemental nitrogen. Whey is one of two major dairy proteins and accounts for about 20% of the protein in milk.

Casein Proteins – slow release

Comprising 80% of the protein in milk, casein is the dominant dairy protein. Often referred to as a “slower-acting” or “time-released” protein, because they are digested and absorbed much more slowly than whey or soy proteins. Casein proteins are especially useful when taken at bedtime and during other prolonged periods without eating.

Milk Proteins – 20% whey / 80% casein

Milk protein is dried milk with most of the fat and carbohydrate removed. Like the original milk, powdered milk proteins are about 20% whey protein and 80% casein protein, so utilization is somewhere in between the two.

Egg Proteins

Eggs are the “gold standard” for protein quality, with loads of essential amino acids (EAAs) and some of the highest scores in all measures of protein quality. Eggs are a great alternative to whey, casein, and whole milk proteins for those with milk allergies or  lactose intolerance.

Soy Proteins

If you are a vegetarian, don’t consume eggs are diary, then soy proteins contain all of the required amino acids in sufficient amounts to support muscle growth and development.

Blended Proteins

If you can only afford one type of protein, this is probably the type that you should go with. Combining faster-, intermediate-, and slower-protein sources in one convenient place, blended proteins give you more sustained protein digestion than single-source proteins like whey, casein, egg, or soy.

High protein diet

Fat and unhealthy foods to avoid

The following list is foods that may seem healthy, are easily available or are just everyday foods that we tend to look over

Sugary soda drink

This is quite an obvious one, however, it forms part of many people’s diet. Soda drinks provides a lot of high fructose corn syrup with no nutritional value.  A list of what these sodas do for you:

  • Obesity – the sugar makes you fat, clear and simple.
  • Dissolves tooth enable – gives you really bad teeth to the point that smiling will become a Hill-Billy event.
  • Kidney issues
  • high blood pressure
  • heart disease
  • diabetes
  • reproductive issues
  • osteoporosis
  • asthma

Fruit juice

Fruit juice is just as bad a sodas, it has high concentration of sugars.  It also has most of the fibre stripped out. Have you ever noticed how much more flavour a bottle of fruit juice tastes compared to a freshly squeezed orange?  That is because the manufacturers add artificial flavours and smells to the final product!

Many of the things that make a real fruit healthy has been removed during the processing. You may get some vitamins, and anti-oxidants, but putting a priest in a prison does not turn it into a church.

Take a look at the breakdown for a 350 ml portion of Coca Cola and apple juice:

  • Coca Cola: 140 calories and 40 grams of sugar (10 teaspoons).
  • Apple juice: 165 calories and 39 grams of sugar (9.8 teaspoons).


The advertising is so fantastic on margarine. It seems healthier and less fatty, with so many varieties such as light variety, ones that contains seed oils and others being omega-3 enriched. However, margarine actually is full of trans fats, coating your arteries and increasing your cholesterol levels.Rather stick with real butter, in moderation of course.

Sandwich meats and hot dogs

Healthy pieces of chicken and ham slices? I thought so, but they are so flavorful and so rich for such thin slices. Yes, they are in fact lower quality cuts of meat are full of nitrites, chemical flavorings, dyes, and a lot of sodium.

Hot dogs – chicken, pork, lamb or beef, it does not matter, they are processed low quality meats and they are just as bad as the sandwich slices.

Processed cheese

Processed cheese wrapped in plastic, ready to be put on sandwiches / buns is not real cheese. It is unhealthy processed artificially flavoured products.

Rather use real cheese, Low fat Mozzarella being the best option if you need to use a cheese.

Fast food salad

Those chicken strips and salad dressing pack more calories than a burger and fries.

Fast food

French fries, fish, burgers, chicken, beef, fried or flame grilled – fast foods are all bad!

Artificial sweeteners

Linked to neurological problems, cancer and even diabetes and a tendency to make people crave food more and overeat.

Unfortunately, there is not much choice when it comes to sweetening things up.

Rather use brown sugar, honey or natural maple syrup.

Drink water with ice and lemon juice.

Cut the sugar dosage and get use to drinking beverages more naturally, such as coffee with 1 teaspoon of sugar and milk, or just plain tea and milk.

You can try clear green tea with mint or lemon (green tea is available in those specific flavours from Lipton and other manufacturers).

Microwave popcorn

Popcorn is a great alternative to snacks, but microwave popcorn is bad as the imitation butter flavor is PFOA, which has been linked to certain cancers and infertility.

Rather buy an air-popper and use real butter.

Low fat yogurt

Low fat yogurt may be sweetened with sugar or artificial sweeteners. Rather eat plain yogurt or low fat Greek yogurt. If you prefer to sweeten it up, add your own fruits and honey.

Multi-grain or multi-seed bread

Unless the multi-grain / multi-seed bread is whole wheat bread or rye bread, then you will be buying white bread with seeds and grain in it. This is pointless as white bread lacks nutrients and is made from enriched flour.

High protein diet

Eat to grow muscle – food with high protein content

To grow muscle, you need to increase protein intake, as this is the building blocks of muscles

Supplements are an essential if you are a serious athlete or are serious about getting muscular body. Supplementation is not a meal replacement, it is meant to supplement your existing diet.

These food contain high levels of protein and should form of all athlete’s diets:

#1: Fish (Tuna, Salmon, Halibut)

Protein in 100g 3oz Fillet (85g) Protein to Calorie Ratio
26g 22g 1g protein per 4.5 calories

Other fish high in protein per fillet(3oz or 85g): Tuna (22g), Salmon (22g), Halibut (22g), Snapper (22g), Perch(21g), Flounder and Sole (21g), Cod (20g), Tilapia (17g).

Tip: Tuna can be mixed with low fat mayo, raisins, apple slices and mixed nuts (not peanuts)

#2: Lean Chicken (Chicken Breast)

Protein in 100g 3oz serving (85g) Protein to Calorie Ratio
18.3g 16g 1g protein per 4.6 calories

More Chicken and Turkey: Chicken Leg – Drumsticks (60g) provides 16g protein. Chicken Thigh (37g) provides 9g protein. 3oz serving of Turkey Breast (85grams) provides 26g protein.

Tip: Steam or grill your chicken breast, steaming does not dry the meat

#3: Cheese (Non-fat Mozzarella)

Protein in 100g 1oz Slice (28g) Protein to Calorie Ratio
32g 9g 1g protein per 4.7 calories

Other cheese high in protein per ounce(28g): Low-fat Cottage Cheese (5g), Low-fat Swiss Cheese (8g), Low-fat Cheddar (6g), Parmesan (10g), Romano (9g). *Low or Non Fat Mozzarella and Cottage Cheese provide the most protein per calorie, full fat cheeses typically only provide 1g protein per 20 calories, and are less optimal sources of protein

#4: Lean Beef and Veal (Low Fat)

Protein in 100g 3oz Slice (85g) Protein to Calorie Ratio
36g 31g 1g protein per 5.3 calories

T-Bone Steak 3oz (28g) provides 19g of protein, 1 Piece of Beef Jerky (20g) provides 7g of protein.

Tip: High end retail stores offers a lean option of 20% fat and an ultra-lean option with 10% fat.

#5: Pork Loin (Chops)

Protein in 100g 1 Chop (137g,~5oz) Protein to Calorie Ratio
30g 41g 1g protein per 5.4 calories

Sirloin Roast 3oz (28g) provides 23g of protein, Ham 3oz (28g) provides 18g of protein, 1 slice of bacon (8g) provides 3g of protein.

#6: Tofu

Protein in 100g 3oz Slice (85g) Protein to Calorie Ratio
7g 6g 1g protein per 7.4 calories

1 cup (252g) of firm tofu provides 20g protein. 1 cup of soft tofu (248g) provides 16g protein. 1 cup of tempeh (166g) provides 31g protein.

#7: Yogurt, Milk, and Soymilk

Protein in 100g 1 cup (245g) Protein to Calorie Ratio
6g 14g 1g protein per 9.8 calories

1 cup skim milk (245g) provides 8g protein, 1 cup soymilk (243g) provides 8g protein.

Tip: Look for zero-fat or low fat yogurt that is unsweetened (such as plain or Greek-style).
Skip the milk if you are on a protein supplement because milk contains high levels of sugar (lactose).

#8: Beans (Mature Soy Beans)

Protein in 100g 1 cup (172g) Protein to Calorie Ratio
17g 29g 1g protein per 10.4 calories

Other beans high in protein per cup cooked: Kidney Beans (17g), White Beans (17g), Lima Beans (15g), Fava Beans (14g), Black Beans (15g), Mung Beans (14g).

#9: Eggs (Especially Egg Whites)

Protein in 100g 1 Large Egg (50g) Protein to Calorie Ratio
13g 6g 1g protein per 12 calories

1 Egg White (33g) provides 4g protein, 1g protein to 4.4 calories. 1 cup of scrambled eggs (220g) provides 22g protein.

Tip:  Skip the egg yellow, boil or steam the eggs. Shops sell  egg steamers that are very convenient to use.

#10: Nuts and Seeds (Pumpkin, Squash, and Watermelon Seeds)

Protein in 100g 1 Ounce (28g) Protein to Calorie Ratio
33g 9g 1g protein per 15.8 calories

Other nuts and seeds high in protein (grams protein per ounce (28g)): Peanuts (7g), Almonds (6g), Pistachios (6g), Sunflower Seeds (6g), Flaxseed (5g), Mixed Nuts (4g).

Did you know: Peanuts are not nuts but are edible seeds enclosed in pods, such as peas and  beans. They belong to the single plant family, Leguminosae.  Unlike nuts, which are grown on trees, peanuts grow underground. 

Nutrition Supplements

Gym supplement companies understate protein content

Protein is the building blocks of muscle, which is why it is essential for body builders and for individuals who want to maintain muscle while training or doing sports.

It would be difficult to eat food that would contain the required amount of protein, as you would need to eat a lot of food. Protein supplements are nutrient dense, and contains more nutrition, especially protein, per serving.

However, Protein is expensive – and it is big business!

Gym supplement companies may be understating protein content on their labels, which means that you may be paying more for less protein.

For food high in muscle building proteins, please read “Eat to grow muscle

Lucky, the supplements have been tested to see if they comply with legal requirements of labeling.

  • For protein less than 10g/100g of supplement, the margin error is ±2 g
  • For protein more than 10g/100g of supplement, the margin error is ±25%

It is fair to say that manufacturers cannot predict the quality of the protein from their sources, I would think it is impossible, and they have to go by what their suppliers claims. However, with so much money being invested in getting these products out there, they should have their products tested and labeling adjusted.

Here is a list of branded protein / bulking supplements and their protein content so that you may check to see if you are getting what you really pay for.

Remember that these figures should be taken in context of price, what else has been added to the supplements, and if the percentage is really relevant to the actual amount consumed per serving (Is 1g relevant even if it is 10%, for example).

However, it should also be questioned that if the protein is grossly understated, what else is understated or exaggerated.

One solution to this confusion and uncertainty is to cover your bases. Instead of taking one brand, take 2 or 3 similar products from different manufacturers during the day, or throughout the week.

I wouldn’t recommend blending them together in one serving, just take a different product at different times of the day, and mix them up.

Brand Product name Label (g) Protein content claimed on label per 100g % difference
BIOGEN Bulk 45/150 20 18.2 9.00
BIOGEN Diet Protein 56.2 53.0 5.78
BIOGEN Nitro Mass 30.1 30.3 -0.50
BIOGEN Nitro Plex 51.4 49.6 3.50
BIOGEN Premium Iso-Whey 70.1 66.2 5.58
BIOGEN Protein SR8 78 74.4 4.68
BIOGEN Whey Isolate Plus 83.2 78.9 5.17
BPI Whey HD 65.8 36.6 44.38
Body Logix Vegan Protein 62.5 54.2 13.36
BSN Syntha 6 46.8 43.4 7.26
BSN True Mass 15.92 16.3 -2.39
Cellucor Whey Protein 71.43 68.4 4.31
Clicks Rapid Muscle Grow 37.4 32.1 14.17
Evox Formidable Mass 17 16.3 4.12
Evox Lean Pro Diet 76 68.3 10.20
Evox Muscle Meal 41 38.8 5.37
Evox Synergy Whey Protein 76 65.7 13.62
Evox 100% Whey Protein 72 57.6 20.07
GNC Performance Whey Protein 67.61 66.4 1.86
Inner Armour Nitro Peak 66.67 62.0 7.00
Myofusion Elite Protein Series 67.6 67.2 0.59
Muscle Junkie Freak Mass Mutater 16.8 14.2 15.48
Muscle Junkie Whey Protein O.D 74 63.9 13.72
Muscle Med Carnivor Mass 27 30.7 -13.70
Muscle Med Carnivor 64.91 71.0 -9.31
MHP Paleo Protein 60.8 64.0 -5.26
MHP Up Your Mass 34.59 27.9 19.34
Met-Rx Whey Protein 73.3 71.2 2.93
Muscle Tech Anabolic Halo 58.82 54.6 7.17
Muscle Tech Mass Tech 24.71 24.5 1.05
Muscle Tech Nitrotech 83.3 82.3 1.26
Muscle Tech Phase 8 61.5 58.3 5.20
Muscle Tech 100% Premium Whey Protein 63.4 59.6 6.07
Muscle works Anabolic Whey 57 54.5 4.47
Nutri Tech Casein Slow Release 78.89 59.3 24.83
Nutri Tech Diet Meal 66 38.3 42.05
Nutri Tech Anabolic Mass Builder 37.5 7.5 80.13
Nutri Tech Premium Pure Whey Protein Lite 72 63.2 12.22
Nutri Tech Premium Pure Whey Protein 72 62.7 12.92
Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey 78.9 74.0 6.21
Optimum Nutrition Lean Whey 77 73.4 4.68
Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass 15.4 14.7 4.87
PharmaFreak Freak Protein 69.4 67.9 2.16
PharmaFreak Mass Freak 20 19.3 3.50
Supplements SA Massive Muscle 37.5 8.5 77.41
Supplements SA Pure Whey Protein 83.3 40.1 51.86
SSN Micellar Casein Protein 70 63.3 9.64
SSN Lean MRP 56 49.4 11.79
SSN Mass Addiction 16.67 14.6 12.42
SSN Anabolic Mass Builder 33.5 32.1 4.18
SSN Performance Whey Protein 68 70.9 -4.26
SSN 100% Whey Protein 75 68.0 9.40
SupaShape Diet Whey Protein 59 54.4 7.80
SupaShape Pure Whey Protein 72 65.3 9.31
Titan After Math 72.5 66.0 8.97
Titan Iso Max 92.4 82.1 11.20
Titan Mass Prodigy 28 26.4 5.89
Titan Pro Whey 74 68.0 8.11
Titan Slim Core 51.6 48.9 5.33
USP Labs Oxyelite Protein 63.89 61.4 3.98
USN Casein Protein Slow Release 71.1 69.6 2.11
USN Diet Fuel Ultra Lean 48.15 46.2 4.05
USN Fast Grow Anabolic All In One 33.4 36.2 -8.23
USN Hyperbolic Mass 16.6 15.8 5.12
USN Hardcore Whey GH 78.8 74.2 5.84
USN Lean 8 Multi Phase Pro 50 46.7 6.70
USN Muscle Fuel STS 34.5 32.3 6.52
USN 100% Whey Protein Plus 65.5 63.0 3.82
Universal Real Gains 34.2 31.2 8.92
Weider 100% Whey Isolate Protein 88.5 77.1 12.94

Creatine – how effective is it for muscle building?

Creatine is not a steroid! Creatine  is made out of three amino acids: L-arginine, glycine, and L-methionine.

Creatine is produced in the liver and is transported to the brain and muscles that have high energy demands, such as skeletal muscle.

The International Olympic Committee and the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) allow the usage of creatine, and it is widely used among professional athletes.

Creatine allows the body to produce more energy, and with more energy you can lift one or two more reps, or lift a few more kilograms.

It also hydrates the muscle cells, it holds more ions in muscle cells, and increases protein synthesis. In other words, it helps to increase muscle building efforts.

  1. Load with Creatine for 5 days
  2. Maintain 5g per day thereafter
  3. Take creatine after a workout, with a meal, or with high sugar drinks (juice / honey) to spike your insulin levels

Loading phase – loading creatine

To get the full benefit of creatine, you must saturate your muscle cells with it. Using a loading dosage of 15-25g per day for 5 days, one can quickly saturate the muscle cells in this time period. Then use a maintenance dosage (3-5g) for the remainder of their time taking creatine.

When is the best time to take creatine?

Reading the label is best, however, several articles claim that post-workout is best because your body absorbs nutrients better after a workout, it refuesl your body’s creatine phosphate stores,  Insulin helps drive more creatine into muscle cells, and when eating after a workout, insulin levels spike.

Does taking creatine before a workout provide more energy?

No, your muscles are already saturated and it takes a week to build up to this level. Taking creatine before a workout will have no direct effect.

Can I store it in liquid until I drink it?

No, you need to dissolve creatine and drink it right away. Creatine degrades over time in water into the waste product creatinine, which will simply be excreted.

What is the best way to take creatine?

As discussed above, taking creatine after a workout, with a meal, has been recommended. as insulin levels tend to increase when eating.

Creatine is absorbed better by spiking insulin levels. To spike insulin, your body needs to be running low on carbs, and then receive a sudden intake of sugars. Some examples of “good” sugary carbs to consume after a workout are honey and fruit juices. The spike created will increase protein synthesis.

How much sugar / juice should I drink with creatine?

Again, suggestion is drinking grape juice.

Juice loaded with sugars may not be suitable if your goals differ, but you should take 100g of juice for every 5g of creatine.

Research shows that you can take your creatine with protein for the same results. A new study reports that taking 5g of creatine with 50g of protein/47g of carbs produced the same results as taking 5g with 96g of carbs.



Abs at home

Six Pack Abs at home

Cannot get to a gym? Do you exercise at home and would you like to get your six pack?

  1. To build a six pack, you will need to exercise the muscles using different exercises to give them bulk.
  2. To show your six pack, you will need to reduce your Body Fat Percentage to around 7% or less. There is simply no real short cut to display your six pack, you will need to reduce your body fat.

Building your abs muscles

For each exercise that you do, concentrate on squeezing your stomach muscles while you do the exercise. Do more than one stomach exercise to attack the abs from various angles and to prevent your body getting  lazy.

Do not throw yourself up, do  not use your back or momentum to do stomach. Rather do 5 good reps instead of 20 reps that has no effect on the abs.

If you are not sure which exercise to do, if you want a quick exercise to do, or are struggling with the routines below, you may try “alphabet”, this is one of our favorites and always works.

The alphabet abs exercise

Start by lying on your back and keep your arms, palm down on the floor, close to your sides.

Straighten your legs forward and keep them together.  Keep your legs as straight as possible and keep them together throughout the entire exercise. Visualize the tips of your toes as the tip of a pencil.

Lift your legs and write each letter of the alphabet from the floor to the ceiling with your toes. You may write the letter in capitals (A to Z) and then in small case (a to z) the next time you do the exercise to add variety and to target the muscles differently.

The bigger you make the letter, the more you work your abs.

Do not let your legs rest on the floor, and do not rest between each letter. Do not lift your back off the floor and concentrate on using your abs for each motion.

  • Alternatively, you may lift your legs and keep them upright throughout the exercise, and write small cursive letters on the ceiling instead.  To dot the i and j, do a Pilates hip up. This is easier for beginners, and is less strain on your back.

You will find it is a difficult exercise but you will also find yourself motivated as you have a goal to complete.

Showing your 6 pack

Change your diet and include 30 minutes of cardio to maximize fat loss. You will need to reduce body fat to 7% or less.

What to eat:

  • Protein shakes
  • Eggs
  • Plain food such as chicken breasts and meat
  • Fish
  • Low fat cheese
  • Yogurt
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Rye bread (or brown bread)
  • Brown rice
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Spinach
  • Cabbage
  • Oranges, Limes and grapefruits
  • Beans and Lentils

What to avoid eating:

  • Sugars
  • sweets
  • crisps / chips
  • processed foods
  • oily / fried foods
  • white rice
  • white pasta
  • chocolate

Abs at home

Abs 6 pack stomach

Get rid of body fat – burn the fat

The fat burning zone

The fat burning zone is between 55% and 85% of your maximum heart rate.

The theory goes as follows:

  • If your heart rate is lower than 55%, then you are not doing much exercise and are not burning sugar or fat. This is your warm up and cool down zone.
  • If your heart rate is higher than 85% of your maximum heart rate, then you are in your anaerobic/high intensity zone.  This zone places a high demand on the cardiovascular system and does not burn much fat.  It does however burn more glycogen (sugars / carbs stored in your muscles and liver) – usually from your last few meals. It can also make you hungry afterwards since your sugar levels have dropped.
  • The Target Heart Rate Zone (65-85% of Maximum Heart Rate) is an area of moderate intensity activity that leads to improvements in your aerobic capacity and burns fat.  This zone provides many benefits for all fitness levels, including those who want to lose weight, those who are training for an athletic event, or those who are looking to have more energy and get fit.

How to calculate your fat burning zone

220 – Age = Maximum Heart Rate (bpm = beats per minutes)

Now take 55% and 85% of this maximum and keep within the range.

For example, for  a 30 year old:

  1. 220 – 30 = 190bpm maximum
  2. 55% of 190 = 104bpm and 85% of 190 = 161bpm
  3. Maintain a heart rate of 161bpm and never fall below 104bpm.

Staying motivated and maintaining a constant fat burning effort

As with all exercises, your body gets use to each exercise and becomes lazy once it is use to doing the same machine.  This reduces the fat burning effect and demotivates a person as well.

To maintain top form, split your cardio training into 10 minute sessions on 3 different machines. For example: treadmill, stepper, cross fit machine and rower can be rotated  from day to day to offer different combinations of exercises.

You will be hitting different muscles and maximizing your fat loss without getting too bored.

The problem with the fat burning zone

Ok, it all seems easy and to achieve 85% is quite easy.

However, there is a problem, the lower the intensity, the lower the calories that gets burnt as well.

30 Minutes of Exercise Fat Calories Burned Glycogen Calories Burned Total Calories Burned
Low Intensity Group (50%) 120 80 200
High Intensity Group (75%) 140 260 400

Let’s have a look at the table. If we look at the math, it would seem that 50% more effort (from 50% to 75% in intensity) is required to achieve a 14% increase in fat burning.

So it does seem to make sense that keeping at 50% is better than giving additional effort to burn a small additional amount of fat.

BUT.. there is something that we missed –

The Afterburn Effect has explained it perfectly as follows:

“When you exercise at low exercise intensities, you burn very few calories after the exercise is completed. When you exercise intensely such as during a hi intensity workout, there is a metabolic disturbance that burns calories after the workout is completed. This is known as the afterburn effect.

In a study by Dr. Christopher Scott and the University of Southern Maine, the total calorie burn of low intensity exercise vs. high intensity exercise was examined. A low intensity exercise group cycled at a steady rate of 3.5 minutes. The higher intensity exercise group required three 15 second sprints as fast as the subjects could run.

What was the difference in calorie burn? Quite substantial.

The cycling group burned 29 calories vs. 4 calories for the sprinting group during the exercise. But when you take into account the calories burned after exercise, or the afterburn effect, the numbers look much different – 39 calories burned for the cycling group vs. 65 calories burned for the sprinting group. A surprising 95% of the total calorie burn occurred after the sprinting exercise! Keep in mind the cycling group exercised for almost 5x longer than the sprint group (3.5 minutes vs. 45 seconds).”

Training in bursts will offer the best results when it comes to shedding body fat.

Circuit training is an ideal place to do burst training. Give your maximum at each station for best results.

Or burn the desired amount of calories by using the “fat burning zone” method, and finish off with 2 or 3 minutes of burst training to keep your body in the “fat burning zone” for longer.

  • Walk on the treadmill with 15 second bursts of running at top speed, slow down for 15 seconds. Continue for between 2 and 3 minutes.