Six pack

Supplements for abs za

Supplements for abs

If you would like to get a six pack, it is best to cut out the junk – junk foods, fizzy drinks and sugary stuff. Cut out the carbs as much as possible and increase your protein intake.

Lastly, budget for at least 6 weeks of intense diet and exercise.

Supplements to take to build your six pack

  • CLA
  • Fat burner

Supplement exercises to do

  • Cardio – 30 minutes a day

30 minutes of cardio is most effective when split. I find that it prevents boredom and is more motivational.  And it also feels as if I did work harder.

I start with the most difficult and intensive exercise, and then move into the machines that requires less effort. This is to enhance the after-burn effect.

I feel the stepper is the most intensive for me, followed by the rowing machine, then the treadmill at a fast walking pace,  the cross trainer, and last, the cycling.

I pick 3 exercises for 10 minutes each, and if I don’t do weight training, I do 4.

More information on fat burning and after-burn effect may be found here.

Image from Men’s health 6 pack challenge



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