High protein diet

What does “balanced diet” mean?

A balanced diet means eating plenty of different types of foods that provides a person with enough nutrition to keep them healthy.

This means:

  • Eating within your daily calorie intake limit
  • Eating a variety of food that contains protein, fat and carbohydrates (macro nutrients) and also has enough vitamins and minerals (micro nutrients) to keep you healthy!

Woman should limit calories to 2000 a day to maintain weight, and men 2500 a day.

There are seven essential factors for a balanced diet: carbs, protein, fat, fibre, vitamins, minerals and water.

Carbohydrates, used for quick energy, should make up 40%-65% of a balanced diet and are in foods like grains, sugar, fruits, and vegetables. Proteins, which are used for body structure, include meat, grains, and beans and should only make up 10% – 30% of a balanced diet.

1. Make half your plate veggies and fruits

Vegetables and fruits are full of nutrients that support good health. Choose fruits and red, orange, and dark-green vegetables such as tomatoes, sweet potatoes, and broccoli.

2.  Include whole grains

Aim to make at least half your grains whole grains. Look for the words “100% whole grain” or “100% whole wheat” on the food label. Whole grains provide more nutrients, like fiber, than refined grains.

3. Don’t forget the dairy

Complete your meal with a cup of fat-free or low-fat milk. You will get the same amount of calcium and other essential nutrients as whole milk but fewer calories. Don’t drink milk? Try a soy beverage (soymilk) as your drink or include low-fat yogurt in your meal or snack.

4. Add lean protein

Choose protein foods such as lean beef, pork, chicken, or turkey, and eggs, nuts, beans, or tofu. Twice a week, make seafood the protein on your plate.

5. Avoid extra fat

Using heavy gravies or sauces will add fat and calories to otherwise healthy choices. Try steamed broccoli with a sprinkling of low-fat parmesan cheese or a squeeze of lemon.

6. Get creative in the kitchen

Whether you are making a sandwich, a stir-fry, or a casserole, find ways to make them healthier. Try using less meat and cheese, which can be higher in saturated fat and sodium, and adding in more veggies that add new flavors and textures to your meals.

7. Take control of your food

Eat at home more often so you know exactly what you are eating. If you eat out, check and compare the nutrition information. Choose options that are lower in calories, saturated fat, and sodium.

8. Try new foods

Keep it interesting by picking out new foods you’ve never tried before, like mango, lentils, quinoa, kale, or sardines. You may find a new favorite! Trade fun and tasty recipes with friends or find them online.

9. Satisfy your sweet tooth in a healthy way

Indulge in a naturally sweet dessert dish—fruit! Serve a fresh fruit salad or a fruit parfait made with yogurt. For a hot dessert, bake apples and top with cinnamon.

A medium apple has 95 calories. A 55 gram bar one or 48g lunch bar chocolate has a whopping sugar-spiking 228 calories, this is 11% of your daily intake in one chocolate bar. You can enjoy two baked apples and still have a few calories to spare for a little honey instead of that chocolate.

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